What should be explained here is the common precautions for purchasing down sleeping bags in outdoor sleeping bags. Choosing down sleeping bags is not as expensive as possible, but more often based on one's own needs. Shandong's three new material professional outdoor appliance manufacturers have made some choices for the following items:
1、 Fabric:
Fabric selection is very important, good fabric can prevent fabric leakage, feel comfortable to the touch, and do not prick or puncture. And the weight of the fabric is very important, you should know that the weight of the sleeping bag depends on the fabric. Moreover, good fabrics also have certain resistance to dirt and splashing. Because down is very afraid of water, and down sleeping bags cannot be washed frequently. Therefore, this is also very important.
2、 Filling material:
The filling material depends on how much down has been filled, which is usually calculated in grams, ranging from less than 100g to more than 1800g. The more filling, the better the natural warmth effect. The corresponding weight naturally increases.
3、 Down type:
Down is usually divided into goose down and duck down. Goose down duck down is divided into two categories: white and gray. Therefore, there are four types of down: gray duck down (GDD), white duck down (WDD), gray goose down (GGD), and white goose down (WGD). Compared to duck down, goose down has a lower odor and better insulation performance. These are not related to color, but usually white ones are more expensive than black ones, and geese are more expensive than ducks. The best value for money is gray goose down, labeled GGD in English.

4、 Fluffiness:
The fluffiness is a key indicator that determines the quality of down. It refers to the fluffy volume of down per unit weight, typically ranging from 300 to 900, with a high energy of up to 930. The larger the value, the better the fluffy down effect. The key to keeping down warm is its fluffiness. The same weight of down, the higher the fluffiness, the better the insulation effect. Of course, the price naturally becomes more expensive. Generally, a sleeping bag filled with down should be at least 450 fluffy, and 600 or more is more suitable.
5、 Velvet content:
This indicator is similar to fluffiness. It only represents the content of down and stem in down, generally ranging from 50% to 95%. We commonly say, for example, 90 velvet means that velvet accounts for 90% and stem accounts for 10%. Down is for warmth, but all down without stems has no support, and down cannot be covered. Therefore, the velvet content directly affects the fluffiness of down. Generally, we only need to pay attention to the fluffiness, but the fluff content can be ignored. If there is no indication of fluffiness, it depends on the velvet content, which should be at least 80 or higher.
6、 Sewing method:
To prevent down from running back and forth inside the sleeping bag. Due to the hollowing of down and the lack of warmth, down sleeping bags usually sew together a grid between the outer and inner fabrics. There are two types of stitching for this grid: separate lining and one needle penetration. A good stitching method can improve warmth retention and prevent fabric leakage at the seams. The simple stitching method is a one needle puncture. This method will only be applied to summer sleeping bags filled with less than 400g.
7、 Zipper:
The length of the zipper directly affects the overall weight of the sleeping bag. The wind barrier behind the zipper, if done well, can effectively prevent air leakage from the zipper. And prevent pinching the cloth when pulling. The zipper must be designed with two ends and can be pulled up from the inside out. Otherwise, you can't always ask someone else to zip your sleeping bag every time you go to bed.
That's all for the correct selection of down sleeping bags in outdoor sleeping bags. We can learn about purchasing from the above seven aspects, and more information can be found on our website http://www.csdssc.com consulting service