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环境报刊发 | 济宁全力守护辐射环境防线
来源:http://www.csdssc.com/ 发布时间:2024-08-27 0


China Environmental News


On January 3, the nuclear and radiation front page of China Environment News reported that Jining Ecological Environment Bureau of Shandong Province actively changed its regulatory concept, applied the "Internet plus radiation regulation" model, committed to improving the scientific, standardized and automated level of radiation regulation, and fully guarded the safety line of radiation environment.



On site monitoring shows that the radiation value around the radioactive source is stable below 0.5 μ Sv, which is within a safe range and consistent with the values of online monitoring facilities. "In the production workshop of Shandong Taiyang Honghe Paper Industry Co., Ltd., radiation workers from Jining Ecological Environment Bureau in Shandong Province are conducting supervisory monitoring of multiple source related points and recording the monitoring results one by one.


The safety of radiation environment is related to national security, people's well-being, and social stability, and is an important political and operational task.


In recent years, with the goal of "preventing risks, removing hidden dangers, curbing accidents, and strengthening the defense line", Jining Ecological Environment Bureau has continuously improved its political position, changed the regulatory concept, applied the "Internet plus+radiation regulation" model, and committed to improving the scientific, standardized, and automated level of radiation regulation according to the working idea of "addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division", and fully guarded the safety defense line of radiation environment.


Establish a video surveillance officer for radioactive sources and build a 24/7 monitoring system


Radiation safety is no small matter, and effective monitoring and supervision are key measures to ensure the safety of the radiation environment.


Yue Gang, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Jining City, introduced: "As early as 2018, we organized personnel to study advanced experience in nuclear and radiation online monitoring in Wuhan City, focused on technical research and development, deeply integrated the online monitoring system of radioactive sources with the smart environmental protection command platform of the city and county, incorporated it into the grid based environmental supervision system, and integrated it into the daily command and dispatch of 'three levels and six chiefs' and' environmental protection 110 '


In 2021, Jining City's online monitoring system for radioactive sources was the first in the province to achieve video networking with provincial-level monitoring platforms. As of now, all 488 radioactive sources from 41 source related units in the city have been included in video surveillance. On this basis, the Ecological Environment Bureau of Jining City optimized and improved the duty process of the radioactive source video monitoring platform, and established a video monitoring inspection linkage mechanism at the city and county levels.


We have set up a position of radioactive source video supervisor on the city and county environmental protection command platform, developed a 24-hour duty schedule, and arranged dedicated personnel to be on duty in real time to ensure that they are on duty. The on duty personnel will report their daily duty situation and zero radiation accidents before 9 o'clock every day. Once any abnormalities are found during the inspection, relevant personnel will be immediately notified to rush to the nuclear technology utilization site to judge and dispose of the abnormal situation, "said Sun Yumin, head of the Science and Technology and Radiation Safety Management Department of Jining Ecological Environment Bureau.


At 18:55 on October 2, 2023, the on duty personnel of Jining Environmental Protection Command Platform discovered during inspection that the video surveillance system of Jinxiang Dajiang Science and Trade Company's 2nd channel was disconnected. They immediately notified relevant personnel to verify. Although it was a holiday, the staff of Jinxiang County Branch of Jining Ecological Environment Bureau arrived at the scene within 20 minutes and found that the internal video surveillance of the enterprise was normal, but there was a transmission fault in the line. The staff of Jinxiang County Branch of Jining Ecological Environment Bureau immediately communicated with the system maintenance personnel by phone, remotely guided the enterprise to repair, and restored normal operation before 20:00 that evening.


Deeply assist enterprises in law enforcement, investigate and rectify prominent problems


From the scene, it can be seen that the online monitoring facilities are running well, the video surveillance location is appropriate, and the anti-theft and other radiation source protection measures are also in place. However, this radiation sign is not standard and can be printed and replaced according to the standard version. In addition, the safety warning line on the ground is not very clear in the north half and needs to be brushed again... "On November 22, 2023, law enforcement officers from Rencheng District Branch of Jining Ecological Environment Bureau came to Shandong Energy Northwest Mining Expo Company to provide law enforcement assistance for the company's radiation safety management work.


In order to improve the level of radiation environment management in enterprises, Jining City has included radiation safety management as a key issue of law enforcement assistance, timely answering difficult questions encountered by radiation supervision units in their business processes, avoiding radiation safety accidents in related units, and ensuring radiation environment safety.

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