来源:http://www.csdssc.com/ 发布时间:2025-02-06 0


Throughout the long history of humanity, camouflage clothing has always played a crucial role, from the smoke filled battlefield to the challenging outdoor adventures. With its unique concealment function, it plays an indispensable role.


The origin and development of camouflage clothing

伪装衣的诞生与战争紧密相连。早期的军队身着色彩鲜艳的军服,在战场上极为醒目,这无疑增加了伤亡风险。1899 年的 “英布战争” 成为一个转折点,英军的红色军服在南非的森林和草原中格外显眼,布尔人借此将自己的军服和枪炮涂成黄绿色,成功突袭英军,让英军付出了惨重代价。这场战争使各国意识到伪装的重要性,开始将军服颜色改为绿色或黄色,接近战场自然色的单一颜色军服,也就是 “保护迷彩”,成为现代军用迷彩的雏形。


The birth of camouflage clothing is closely related to war. Early armies wore brightly colored military uniforms, which were extremely eye-catching on the battlefield, undoubtedly increasing the risk of casualties. The "Anglo Boer War" of 1899 became a turning point, with the British army's red uniforms particularly prominent in the forests and grasslands of South Africa. The Boers used this opportunity to paint their uniforms and guns yellow green, successfully launching a surprise attack on the British army and causing them to pay a heavy price. This war made countries realize the importance of camouflage and began to change the color of military uniforms to green or yellow, a single color military uniform that is close to the natural color of the battlefield, known as "protective camouflage", which became the prototype of modern military camouflage.

真正意义上的迷彩伪装出现于第一次世界大战,随着光学侦察器材的使用,德军率先对钢盔进行迷彩喷涂,防止反光并迷惑敌方狙击手。1929 年,意大利研制出首款由棕、黄、绿和褐黄 4 种颜色构成的迷彩服,开启了各国研发迷彩服的热潮。二战时期,德军根据不同作战区域特点,推出了橡叶迷彩、棕榈迷彩、豌豆迷彩等多种样式,并将其应用于坦克、装甲车等武器上 。此后,迷彩服不断发展,从传统斑块迷彩到数码迷彩,再到如今适应多种环境的新型迷彩,其隐蔽性能不断提升。例如,美军的 “天蝎二型” 迷彩选用更丰富的设计结构,使斑纹更细碎、色块更丰富,能更好地适应林地、荒漠和城市等作战地形背景;2019 年我国亮相的 “星空迷彩”,分为热区林地、荒漠、温区丛林、城市、沙漠等 5 种颜色,大大提升了单兵服饰的战场隐蔽能力。

The true meaning of camouflage appeared in World War I. With the use of optical reconnaissance equipment, the German army was the first to spray camouflage on steel helmets to prevent reflection and confuse enemy snipers. In 1929, Italy developed the first camouflage suit consisting of four colors: brown, yellow, green, and brown yellow, which sparked a craze for camouflage suit development in various countries. During World War II, the German army introduced various styles such as oak leaf camouflage, palm camouflage, and pea camouflage based on the characteristics of different combat areas, and applied them to weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles. Since then, camouflage clothing has continued to develop, from traditional patch camouflage to digital camouflage, and now to new camouflage that adapts to various environments, with its concealment performance constantly improving. For example, the US military's "Scorpio II" camouflage uses a more diverse design structure, resulting in finer patterns and richer color blocks, which can better adapt to combat terrain backgrounds such as forests, deserts, and cities; The "Starry Sky Camouflage" unveiled in China in 2019 is divided into five colors: tropical forest land, desert, temperate jungle, city, desert, etc., greatly enhancing the battlefield concealment ability of individual clothing.

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