With the booming development of outdoor sports, outdoor sports have become a fashion. We often see outdoor enthusiasts rushing around to choose a good and affordable equipment. However, how do you carry the essential element of water that we need every day? Today, with the increasing demand for environmental protection, when doing outdoor activities, bring yourself a reusable water tool.
It should be noted that the water tools we refer to in the text are specifically designed for outdoor sports or can be used for outdoor purposes. Below are three new materials professional outdoor equipment companies in Shandong Province to explain to you:
1. Specially designed water tools are not very useful. Isn't it the same as using ordinary empty plastic bottles to hold water?
Not entirely right! For daily use or regular travel, empty plastic bottles are sufficient to hold water, but in some outdoor activities that require more professional equipment, such as long-distance cycling, rock climbing, etc., plastic bottles are far from sufficient.
2. I rarely engage in intense exercise, which means I occasionally go out for hiking or other activities. A water bottle or water bag is not very useful to me.
wrong! A well crafted water fixture that is very thoughtful in all aspects, even for ordinary outdoor use, a suitable water fixture is indispensable. Specially designed for outdoor sports, water bottles and water bags are lightweight and sturdy, and will not undergo serious deformation or leakage due to ordinary bumps and bumps.

3. The kettle and water bag can be used all year round.
Not entirely right! If it is not an insulated water bottle, it is recommended to use it in spring, summer, and autumn. The sealing performance of water bottles sold on the market is generally good. If used in winter, when the temperature is very low, the water inside the water bottle will expand a lot after freezing, which can easily cause the water bottle to expand and deform, thus losing its proper function.
So, in winter or high altitude cold areas, it is still advisable to choose a water bottle with insulation properties. Of course, for short-term outdoor activities in cold weather, adding an insulation cover outside the water bottle can still be used. However, once signs of freezing are found in the water container, the water in the bottle should be immediately poured out.
In cold areas, it is not recommended to use plastic water bags, but leather water bags can be considered. You can fill the leather water bag with warm water and place it close to your body, so that your body temperature can prevent the water inside the bag from freezing into ice.
There are so many water appliance brands in the market, just pick a cheap one.
wrong! Choosing a suitable kettle requires consideration from both functional and volumetric aspects. Clarify what sports you choose for and consider what activities you frequently engage in. If you frequently ride a bicycle for long distances, you should first choose a style with a water bottle holder clip, which usually has a capacity of no more than 0.75 liters. You should also choose a style with a straw at the spout; If you frequently travel long distances, you should choose a large capacity kettle with a capacity of more than 1 liter, and you should also choose a kettle insulation sleeve; For rock and ice climbing, you should purchase a water bottle specifically designed for rock and ice climbing, which can be opened and tightened with one hand.
For water bags, generally leather water bags have good portability. Whether it's for water or wine, they are cool to carry on the body, but they cannot hold boiling water. Moreover, poor quality leather water bags may cause the water in the bags to spoil and taste, making them undrinkable; A water bag made of advanced plastic solves this problem well, it can hold boiling water or ice cubes, and when filled with boiling water, it does not have a plastic smell like a cheap plastic water bottle.
The above is the answer to the correct use of outdoor water equipment related content through a few questions. If you have any doubts or needs about this, please come to our website http://www.csdssc.com Consult!