正确防核辐射总原则:“内外兼防”,具体是指: “内外兼防”具体包括两方面,一是尽可能缩短被照射时间,尽可能远离放射源;二是注意屏蔽,利用铅板、钢板或墙壁挡住来降低照射强度。下面
The general principle of correct prevention of nuclear radiation is "both internal and external prevention", which specifically refers to: "both internal and external prevention" includes two aspects: one is to shorten the exposure time as much as possible and stay away from radioactive sources as much as possible; The second is to pay attention to shielding, and use lead plates, steel plates, or walls to block it to reduce the radiation intensity. Below, Shandong Jining Nuclear Radiation Protection Factory will explain more to you.
For ordinary people, simple protection is to close doors and windows tightly. When radioactive substances are released into the atmosphere and form smoke and dust, they should enter the building in a timely manner, close doors, windows, and ventilation systems, and avoid hiding areas with poor shielding such as doors and windows. At the same time, avoid ingestion, reduce absorption, increase excretion, and be sure to avoid staying in polluted areas. If a nuclear accident releases radioactive iodine, stable iodine tablets should be taken as soon as possible under the guidance of a doctor.
When encountering nuclear radiation hazards, the following basic protective measures must be taken first:
1. Try to avoid going out and stay indoors in confined space. If it is necessary to go out, cover your mouth and nose with a damp towel or wear a mask, and minimize exposure to skin and air.

2. Close the doors and windows while avoiding ventilation fans from exchanging air with the outside world.
If a nuclear power plant leaks, nearby residents should first evacuate, and distance protection is the top priority.
4. Taking a certain amount of iodine preparations can prevent the effects of nuclear radiation.
If a nuclear accident releases radioactive iodine, stable iodine tablets should be taken as soon as possible under the guidance of a doctor. The recommended dosage for adults is 100 milligrams of iodine. Children and infants should consider reducing the dosage, but those with iodine allergies or a history of thyroid diseases should use it with caution.
The general principle of correct prevention of nuclear radiation: "Internal and external prevention" has been explained here. We hope it can provide you with better help. For more matters, please come to our website http://www.csdssc.com consulting service