立体草状全波段军用伪装网以聚酯薄膜为基本材料采用纳米复合隐身材料与光珊型隐身结构相结合,通过多层复合、特殊切花,形成独特的仿生结构; 用单层立体结构代替了传统的多层平面结构,使其隐身性能实现了光学、近红外、热红外、雷达多频谱的彻底兼容,同时具有阻燃、耐用、防雨、使用方便等特点。
The three-dimensional grass shaped full band military camouflage net is made of polyester film as the basic material and combines nanocomposite stealth materials with a light beam type stealth structure. Through multi-layer composite and special cut flowers, a unique biomimetic structure is formed; Replacing the traditional multi-layer planar structure with a single-layer three-dimensional structure, its stealth performance achieves complete compatibility with optical, near-infrared, thermal infrared, and radar multispectral, while also possessing characteristics such as flame retardancy, durability, rainproof, and convenient use.
Other traditional camouflage nets must be supported on the metal surface to have radar stealth performance, while the new type of net can directly cover the metal surface without support, which has become a major highlight and is a new generation of technology product for military camouflage nets in domestic troops.

The characteristics of the new "Grass" three-dimensional grass shaped full band military camouflage network include the following four features:
1. Full band stealth: true optical, infrared, and radar compatibility.
2. Single layer network structure: achieving full band, lightweight, and anti hook.
3. Simplify use: Without support, radar stealth can be achieved by directly covering the surface of the equipment.
4. Bidirectional shielding: With electromagnetic shielding function, it can achieve bidirectional stealth.
The main stealth technical indicators are as follows:
1. Near infrared stealth index: working band: 0.4~1.2 μ M; Same spectrum and color as green plants.
2、热红外隐身指标:工作波段:3~5、8~14 μm;降低目标平均辐射温度10℃以上。
2. Thermal infrared stealth index: working band: 3-5, 8-14 μ M; Reduce the average radiation temperature of the target by more than 10 ℃.
3. Radar stealth indicators: working bands: K, X, C, S, L bands; The average attenuation of the target RCS is more than 10dB.