一、知识不足 我们基层部队日常使用的装备很多,每种装备都有它的行业标准,采购人员很难做到对产品全部精通。
1、 Insufficient professional knowledge. Our grassroots troops use a lot of equipment in their daily lives, and each type of equipment has its own industry standard. It is difficult for procurement personnel to be proficient in all products.
二、没有统一规范的质量要求 上级部队对基层采购一般情况下不做具体要求(特殊产品除外),基本原则是产品必须符合军队标准。然而,军队标准很多,每种产品会涉及到很多标准,且国军标很多由于涉密原因,采购人员很难查到,给设计采购产品的技术要求带来困难。
2、 There are no unified and standardized quality requirements for grassroots procurement. Generally, the superior troops do not make specific requirements for grassroots procurement (except for special products), and the basic principle is that the products must comply with military standards. However, there are many military standards, and each product involves many standards. Moreover, many national military standards are difficult for procurement personnel to find due to confidential reasons, which brings difficulties to the technical requirements of designing and purchasing products.

三、没有设备对产品进行现场评定 由于基层采购单位没有检测设备,在招标采购现场,无法对厂家提供的产品进行检测,只能要求商家提供检测报告,检测报告与商家提供的样品是否吻合却很难辨别,这就造成投标单位提供的的质量越差、性能越少的产品成本也就越低,报价自然也越低,招标规则如果采用低价中标,恐怕真正好的产品就很难被部队采用,粗制滥造的产品也会给部队带来损失。
3、 There is no professional equipment for on-site evaluation of products. As grassroots procurement units do not have professional testing equipment, they are unable to test the products provided by the manufacturer at the bidding procurement site. They can only request the merchant to provide a testing report. It is difficult to distinguish whether the testing report matches the samples provided by the merchant, which results in lower quality and performance of the products provided by the bidding unit, resulting in lower costs and naturally lower quotations, If bidding rules adopt low prices to win the bid, it may be difficult for truly good products to be adopted by the military, and rough and shoddy products will also bring losses to the military.