1. Look at the color of the camouflage net. There are many colors of camouflage patterns, such as jungle camouflage, desert camouflage, ocean camouflage, and so on. No matter what color or pattern, it is set according to the regulations of the national military standard, and there are strict standards for color matching and pattern distribution, not random mixing of several colors. Therefore, a qualified pattern color is simply to see if this camouflage pattern color is very common in the active military. If there is no or serious non-compliance in the military, it is considered a unqualified product.
2. How does it feel. High quality camouflage nets are relatively lightweight and soft, while some camouflage nets are thick and tough. However, the low-quality camouflage net fabric is lightweight but not soft, and has a poor feel. Recommended Reading: Seven Major Applications of Camouflage Strategies in the Military Field

3. Look at the craftsmanship. The processing technology of high-quality camouflage nets is very mature, and the edges are neatly wrapped. There is a connecting rope every 20 centimeters on the four sides of the net, giving the overall feeling of exquisite workmanship. On the contrary, the workmanship of low-quality camouflage nets is very rough, and the connecting ropes do not meet the standards.
4. Look at the website. Mesh is a professional term for camouflage nets, commonly referred to as a supporting skeleton net (similar to a fishing net). Since it is a skeleton, it needs to have strong tensile strength. The tensile strength does not depend on the thickness of the mesh, but on the size and density of the mesh. The tensile strength of a large mesh is definitely not as high as that of a small mesh. The mesh size of high-quality camouflage net is basically 5cm × 5cm, some even reach 3.5cm × 3.5cm ultra low density; And the commonly used camouflage net is 10cm × Made of 10cm large mesh.
5. Listen to the sound. Rub the edges and corners of the camouflage net with both hands. The high-quality camouflage net has a dull sound and a comfortable feel, while the inferior sound is crispy, just like rubbing a piece of paper, and the feel is very poor.